
Words Breathe… Words Live!

The below work under “Breath & Words”are selections from my ongoing compilation of a book of poems and short stories I hope to publish once complete. All of these works are original and I selected these to showcase the ability to express creativity and evoke emotions through the use of written words and visual representation.


Toyin Salau

As a Black woman, my non negotiable Is a roof over my head

The last time one of us missed this,We found her… dead!

— Image by @Spicebae_IG



What if abnormalities were normal and normal abnormal 

What if the men were women and women, men What if the center of the world was not in the middle 

And the sun revolved around the earth instead What if we all floated and to be grounded was an anomaly

What if love of any kind was unquestioned and not dictated

What if Black people were never taken and slavery never happened

What if we could all be happy

Have you ever wondered what kind of world that would be?

 I wonder

— Image by Tess @tesswilcox



When you’ve been through life, there are two persons you can become.

An asshole or a compassionate soul.

— Image by Envato Elements



Close your eyes and wake up to a quiet world. 

The sound of nothing but breath mixed with fresh air. 

It’ll end very soon, It’ll all just be. 

Everything your cries evoked, wished upon and hoped for

Or it might be better than you imagined

Whatever direction it goes will however be because you failed to fail

Even when it got unbearably painful

You crawled yourself out of the cradle.

For that alone, it’ll be all you ever imagined it could be

— Image by Ian Stauffer @ianstauffer



Say a prayer for me because I’m too tired to say the words

Say a prayer for me because my tears have emptied out their buckets

— Image by Jakayla Toney @jakaylatoney


Does Heaven Know?

You only quit on the things that you don't love 

If you love something, you don't quit it            

You may free it, but you don't quit it             

The trees sing this song over and over again and again and over again         

To loose their leaves only to grow them back       

They know of loss, gain and loss again                        

They know to love is to set free their leaves                       

So pray tell, what do the heavens know?                          

What did they ever lose?                                      

Perhaps the tears they share with the world? 

— Image by Jakayla Toney @jakaylatoney



Every waking breathe contradicts itself,

Thankful for life’s blessings… 

But unsure because anything can happen.

They say if you work hard enough you’ll get it

But we’ve seen people work till it killed them

Though our souls may not be weary,

And pardon these words if they feel insulting,

Life happens once and we ought to live fully.

But the fact lies, there is still fear

In you, him, her, zhe & me

— Image by Aarón Blanco@healing_photographer



Paint the clouds with a brush dipped in your tears my love
Paint the birds and clouds gray as your breaking heart
Draw the withering trees with your dampened soul,
Trees so old, their bitter snickering of agelessness can be heard
With the rustling is their leafless branches

Paint the clouds with your tears my love
Drain yourself of this beautiful mess
But know though a heart breaks, it rarely is fine China.
It will mend itself again
It will grow out limbs...
Take a thread and needle to itself
And painfully whip stitch itself back to completion

-Image by Ian Kiragu @Kiragu


Thoughts & Tea