Hello lovely sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers and everyone else…is it not amazing how most of us have managed to stay sane in this very sedentary time. Ha! if I had been told my best friends would be my chair and my bed and my computer, food and some books, I would have said… meh! (Then again I love food!)
Anyway I grateful that you have taken the time to visit with me on my blog. As I mentioned last week this weeks episode is going to address that unwanted yet expected guest called trauma. I say it is unwanted yet expected because we would all rather opt to not have to deal with it but it is inevitable.
Knowing this, how much do we know about the psychology of trauma and dealing with it. As of now, it is safe to say that COVID-19 is now an addition to the list o things that traumatized the whole world with the likes of the two world wars, genocides and other unwanted occurrences.
Our guest Dr. Janice Byrd will be sharing some insight on this topic as well as knowledge on how we can deal with this unwanted guess sneaks up on us when we least expect it. It is imperative that we know that nothing in this world is permanent. Therefore when we find ourselves in the middle of a storm or happen to watch our loved ones fight in the middle of a storm, we must always remember that we are NOT our circumstances.
In the podcast below, Dr. Byrd shares a lot of meaningful information with the hope to help ourselves heal and a big part of that is being able to recognize what and who we have and be grateful for that.
On that note, I mention at the end of the podcast what I would like for us to do to help say thank you to our mothers and all the women who have been like mothers to us. It is simple! TAMAKLO.ART@GMAIL.COM - This is my email. Write up a message you would like to share with the woman/ women you would like to celebrate, include your name and the persons name if you can and just email it to me. I will collect these messages and make them into a blog post as well as read them live on my show.
Shoot! if you want to be daring, you can even send me an audio message to my email and I will feature you sending that message to that special woman on next weeks episode. The only catch is, I will need all the messages by the morning of Friday the 8th of March! I look forward to being a part of how you say “you are special” to that special woman/women in your life.
Until then, stay safe… wash your hands… sanitize… and stay indoors.
PS: here is the link to an example of bilateral stimulation Dr. Byrd talks about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOarGok-pK4