I really wish this blog would give me the option to add sound effects to my posts because …ooooohhh child… i am all for setting the mood. Especially the drama. Then again, what can i say, thespian-ism bubbles in my blood (flips hair( except she really has no hair to flip…lol))
Welcome once again to Thoughts & Tea beautiful people. I hope even though the biological forces are waging war against humanity, mother nature is dampening the effect by giving all of us beautiful days wherever we are.
I do not think i need to mention the obvious situation we currently find ourselves in globally because its impact has been so profound. In my twentyblah years (don’t ask my age lol) of being alive, i do not think i have ever seen the whole world panic as it is right now. Yes AUNTY/UNCLE Rona decided to show face like a surprise birthday party and initially the world did to give two fucks because that party was in China…except now the party took over the world.
While measures are being taken to deal with this unexpected and unwelcome guest, which people are the most affected by this epidemic? Yes it is having its impact on the entire world but the global cake was not evenly distributed. Some people have bigger slices and others have to wash the baking pan. In other words i mean not all places and people have the same resources to even keen them afloat through this difficult time.
Refugee’s, the homeless, people in toxic situations, my family in the LGBTQ+ community who are not accepted for who they are, international students who have strict rules governing their existence in a host country, the list is endless. Many of the people do not have options to guarantee their safety through this epidemic. While i touch on particularly international students in the corresponding podcast, i would like for all of us to pull our weight and do the best we can to support each other.
This too shall pass! The world has been ending since i was born and it has not ended yet. I think we will be fine for maybe a couple more centuries before mother nature decided she is tired of humanity. In short, WE GON BE AIIGHT! But until this madness is contained, lets just be a little kinder than usual and lets love harder than usual. Our survival depends on it.